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Downloading and launching the .exe file for Steam VR:
- Open the link below and download the folder file to your local computer by clicking the download button:

- Unzip the folder by right-clicking to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
- If you do not already have Steam installed on your computer, install it on your using this link:

- Please stand in the middle of the room when you start the application. Make sure your space is private and clear of all obstacles.
- With your HMD connected to your computer, launch the file called “TeleportGame_6.2.4.exe”.
Trouble shooting tip: if the app is not launching in your headset, try closing steam and then relaunch “TeleportGame_6.2.4.exe”
- To begin the experiment, you will need to enter the Participant ID number issued during the informed consent survey. You will also use this ID for the post-study questionnaire.
- Complete all of the tasks in the VR application. For a more detailed explanation of the tasks, please refer to the main project page at this link:
- After completing the VR tasks, please fill out the Qualtrics Survey about your experience using this Link:
- Lastly, delete the application from your computer by right clicking the folder containing the .exe file and selecting “delete” or “move to trash”
Thank you for your participation and have a great day!
For questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Jonathan Kelly,, (515) 294-2322.