App Installation Instructions

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Downloading and launching the .exe file for Steam VR:

  1. Open the link below and download the folder file to your local computer by clicking the download button:

  1. Unzip the folder by right-clicking to select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
  1. If you do not already have Steam installed on your computer, install it on your using this link:
  1. Please stand in the middle of the room when you start the application. Make sure your space is private and clear of all obstacles.
  1. With your HMD connected to your computer, launch the file called “TeleportGame_6.2.4.exe”.

Trouble shooting tip: if the app is not launching in your headset, try closing steam and then relaunch “TeleportGame_6.2.4.exe”

  1. To begin the experiment, you will need to enter the Participant ID number issued during the informed consent survey. You will also use this ID for the post-study questionnaire.
  1. Complete all of the tasks in the VR application. For a more detailed explanation of the tasks, please refer to the main project page at this link:
  1. After completing the VR tasks, please fill out the Qualtrics Survey about your experience using this Link:
  1. Lastly, delete the application from your computer by right clicking the folder containing the .exe file and selecting “delete” or “move to trash”

Thank you for your participation and have a great day!


For questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Jonathan Kelly,, (515) 294-2322.