Charles Brailovsky
College:Lawrence University
Research Team:Intent Prediction

I first embarked on a joint study of psychology and computer science because my dream had long been to apply understanding of cognitive and behavioral psychology to the design of computer flight systems and interiors for spacecraft. Recently, however, I have become extremely passionate about investigating ADHD, a surprisingly under‐researched disorder that I believe would greatly benefit from the development of technologies tailored to the neurodivergent brain.

During my college application process, I began to consider the potential applications of virtual reality as an organizational aid. I repurposed my VR gaming headset to set up a virtual workstation with multiple large screens to collect and organize information about the institutions I was applying to and realized the impact the virtual display had on how my brain processed information. I believe VR and AR applications show great promise as tools to help adults manage organizational disabilities, and I am very excited to learn more about how to develop and utilize these new technologies. I am currently working on setting up an on‐campus peer support group at my institution for students with ADHD, and through this internship I hope to discover new ways of using emerging interface technologies to create tools to support people suffering from ADHD, Executive Function Disorder, Dyslexia, and other organizational and learning disabilities.