Intern Blogs

  • Blog #15: Goodbye!

    I can’t believe it’s over. We still have the goodbye lunch and I have to pack all of my things but effectively it’s all over and that’s so crazy. Yesterday we had the media session and the symposium, both of which went well and were a lot of fun. I played piano for the other…

  • Paintings, Endings, and Thank Yous

    I’ve been thinking about endings with this program coming to a close. I thought maybe I could share some peoples last paintings to kind of go with that theme. Mark Rothko’s last painting, Untitled, 1970. This is his only painting painted in a single color as far as I’m aware. (that is to say, a…

  • Halfway through week 10

    I find writing to be one of the hardest things as coming up with the first sentence for an essay or a blog can take me hours. Because of that, working on our research paper was a real challenge for me, but I had Curtis and Kris. They were able to synthesize their thoughts well…