Intern Blogs

  • Aulasy

    Another day, another art piece on my mind. This one is not terribly famous, but its a favorite none the less. Made in 1907 by Henry Ossawa Tanner the painting is called, “The Disciples See Christ Walking On Water” and it depicts… you guessed it, the disciples seeing Christ walking on water. But the painting…

  • Week 10 – Adios Ames

    I’ll do one final blog post to recap the REU summer as a whole but first I wanted to talk about what I’ve thought about living in Ames and the idea of going to grad school As my time in Ames comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on my experience living in this…

  • Almost Done

    I’ve been struggling to decide what to write for my last two blogs: something funny, maybe more reflective, what lessons I’d share with future interns? In the end, I’ve decided to just be open about my experience this summer.   At the start of the program, I came in with the mindset that I was here…