Intern Blogs

  • Reflection on 2nd to Last Week

    Hey everyone! Can you believe it? We’re almost at the end of my REU program, and this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. So, the week started off pretty well – just working on the final poster. It’s been like solving a giant puzzle, but luckily, my team was totally in sync. High-fives all…

  • The Treachery of Images

    We’re talking about art again, but its a metaphor. There’s a famous painting made in 1929 by René Magritte called “La Trahison des Images” or, in English, “the Treachery of Images” It’s a beige background with a pipe on it. Underneath the pipe it says, “Ceci n’est pas une pipe,”. In English, for the French…

  • Just a Brief Update

    Next week is the last week of the REU. We are nearing the end already! 🙁 Work-wise, we don’t have too much left to do. We turned in our poster today, which I think turned out amazing. By Wednesday, we need to have the paper finished. On Thursday, we will present at the symposium. In…