HomeBlog PostsHCI assignment: Study on smartphones and driving safety


HCI assignment: Study on smartphones and driving safety — 2 Comments

  1. Nice design. I appreciate the acknowledged limitations. The driving task or instructions given may also affect things, e.g., “Get there as fast as you can” vs. “Count how many trees you see en route” or “Enjoy a leisurely drive.” You could ask for people’s music preferences beforehand, perhaps having them rank a list of diverse songs as familiar – unfamiliar on a Likert scale.

    You mention starting with 20 participants but increasing as needed for significance. That’s actually one of the no-nos in experimental research. You might ask ChatGPT or Claude “If I’m running an experiment, why is it bad to keep running participants until I have the significance I want?” or just google p-hacking. (Instead, you do a power analysis beforehand.)

  2. I am assuming the baseline is how many times someone looks away from the road. Anecdotally, I get distracted when it is not my playlist.

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