HomeBlog PostsHarrison – Day 51 & HCI Assignment


Harrison – Day 51 & HCI Assignment — 1 Comment

  1. The research question is a reasonable one, if a bit broad. But that general idea could be great and drive more specific questions, especially in the fields of computational linguistics (how do computers process language) or in UI design, where the language used within applications is more influential and challenging to design than you might expect. Internationalization (also called i18n) is the process of making an app work in other countries, and it’s really fascinating how difficult some of the language issues can be. And sometimes there are cultural issues too.

    The “economic behavior” phrase makes me wonder if you might enjoy the book _Why We Buy_ by Paco Underhill. It’s a bit older now, but an excellent analysis of what affects people’s shopping behaviors in retail spaces. Or you might be interested in learning about microloan programs how powerful a US$250 loan can be for someone in a developing country where money goes much farther. In Namibia, for example, US$11 is the daily wage for a manual worker who might work in your yard 8 hours. That sounds so small. But, many things in Namibia cost less than Americans are used to, so that US$11 can buy a good meal for 2 people, and maybe a less nutritious but filling meal for a family.

    Learning academic writing can be a struggle for people who thought they could write well and then face a lot of red ink of corrections. But you’ll manage it I’m sure. The classroom looks great!

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