8/2/24- Ruby
Yesterday was a very busy day but it was very rewarding. To start the day, we had our video interviews with Paul. I was not excited about this but I prepared well so I didn’t have to redo any of the interview questions. I was glad because I wanted to do it as quickly as possible. After that, we walked to the Union to set up for the symposium. I brought my laptop to show our prototype and a lab phone that we deployed the Unity version on. I really enjoyed the symposium because we got to finally show off all of the work we’ve done this summer. Some of my favorite parts were getting to show our project to other people involved with CommHEAT, seeing how people liked interacting with our prototype and Unity build, and Eliot saying that our app design was beautiful. Apparently he does not say that often so it really means a lot, especially as someone who worked on the design a lot! By the end of the symposium, I was really tired but felt so fulfilled! Later that night, after a lot of rest, we had a bonfire with almost all of the interns, Anjali and her dog and boyfriend, and Paul. The place we had it at was really pretty and I had lots of fun watching the stars!
This morning, we just had to fill out surveys and do a focus group where we shared our opinions on the summer. Later, we have our goodbye lunch and then we’ll go back to the apartments and start packing and cleaning.
Here are some more pictures from yesterday: