Meister, P., Miller, J. Wang, K., Dorneich, M. C., Winer, E., Brown, L. J., Whitehurst, G., “Designing Three-Dimensional Augmented Reality Weather Visualizations to Enhance General Aviation Weather Education”, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, accepted for publication (2022)
Hoover, M., and Winer, E., “Designing Adaptive Extended Reality Training Systems Based on Expert Instructor Behaviors”, IEEE Access, 9, 138160-138173 (2021)
Ouverson, K. M., Ostrander, A. G., Walton, J., Kohl, A., Gilbert, S. B., Dorneich, M. C., Winer, E., and Sinatra, A. M., “Analysis of Communication, Team Situational Awareness, and Feedback in a Three-Person Intelligent Team Tutoring System”, Frontiers in Psychology, 12 (2021)
Evans, G., Hoover, M., and Winer, E. “Development of a 3D Conceptual Design Environment Using a Head Mounted Display Virtual Reality System”, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 13(10), 258 (2020)
Miller, J., Hoover, M., and Winer, E., “Mitigation of the Microsoft HoloLens’ Hardware Limitations for a Controlled Product Assembly Process”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 109(5), 1741-1754 (2020)
Hoover, M., Miller, J., Gilbert, S., and Winer, E., “Measuring the Performance Impact of using the Microsoft HoloLens to Provide Guided Assembly Work Instructions”, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 20(6), (2020)
MacAllister, A., Kohl, A., and Winer, E., “Using high-fidelity meta-models to improve performance of small dataset trained Bayesian Networks”, Expert Systems with Applications, 139 (2020)
Ostrander, A., Bonner, D., Walton, J., Slavina, A., Ouverson, K., Kohl, A., Gilbert, S., Dorneich, M., Sinatra, A., and Winer, E., “Evaluation of an Intelligent Team Tutoring System for a Collaborative Two-Person Problem: The Surveillance Team Tutor”, Computers in Human Behavior, 105873 (2019)
Bhattacharya, B. and Winer, E., “Augmented reality via expert demonstration authoring (AREDA)”, Computers in Industry, 105, 61-79 (2018)
Holub, J. and Winer, E., “Enabling Real-time Volume Rendering of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on an iOS Device”, Journal of Digital Imaging, 30(6), 738-750 (2017)
Hasiuk, F., J., Harding, C., Renner, A.R., and Winer, E., “TouchTerrain: A Simple Web-Tool for Creating 3D-Printable Topographic Models”, Computers and Geosciences, 109, 25-31 (2017)
Simpson, T. W., Miller, S., Tibor, E. B., Yukish, M. A., Stump, G., Kannan, H., Mesmer, B., Winer, E. H. and Bloebaum, C. L., “Adding Value to Trade Space Exploration When Designing Complex Engineered Systems”, Systems Engineering, 20(2), 131–146 (2017)
Gilbert, S., Slavina, A., Dorneich, M.C., Sinatra, A.M., Bonner, D., Johnston, J., Holub, J., MacAllister, A., and Winer, E., “Creating a Team Tutor using GIFT”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 28(2), 286-313 (2017)
Kopecky K. and Winer E., “MetaTracker: Unifying and Abstracting 3D Motion Tracking Data from Multiple Heterogenous Hardware Systems,” IEEE Access, 4, 189-203 (2016)
Zou R., Kalivarapu V., Winer E., Oliver J., and Bhattacharya S., “Particle Swarm Based Source Seeking,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(3), 865-875 (2015)
Richardson, T., and Winer, E., “Extending Parallelization of the Self-Organizing Map by Combining Data and Network Partitioned Methods,” Advances in Engineering Software, 88, 1-7 (2015)
Martinez-Escobar, M., Juhnke, B., Holub, J., Hisley, K., Eliot, D., and Winer, E., “Evaluation of Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Displays for Visual-Spatial Tasks in Medical Contexts,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 61(1), 138-143 (2015)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “A Study of Graphics Hardware Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization with Digital Pheromones,” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 36(4), 692-702 (2014)
Wang, Y., Bhattacharya, B., Winer, E., Kosmicki, P., El-Ratal, W., and Zhang, S., “Digital Micromirror Transient Response Influence on Superfast 3D Shape Measurement,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 58, 19-26 (2014)
Richardson, T., Nekolny, B., Holub, J., and Winer, E., “Visualizing Design Spaces Using Two-Dimensional Contextual Self Organizing Maps,” AIAA Journal – Special Section on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 52(4), 725-738 (2014)
Kelly, J.W., Burton, M., Pollock, B., Rubio, E., Curtis, M., de la Cruz, J., Gilbert, S., and Winer, E., “Space Perception in Virtual Environments: Displacement from the Center of Projection Causes Less Distortion than Predicted by Cue-Based Models,” ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 10(4), Article 18 (2013)
Foo, J.L., Martinez-Escobar, M., Juhnke, B., Cassidy, K., Hisley, K., Lobe, T., and Winer, E., “Evaluating Mental Workload of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Visualization for Anatomical Structure Localization”, Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques, 23(1), 65-70 (2013)
Martinez, M., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E., “Colorization of CT Images to Improve Tissue Contrast for Tumor Segmentation,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 42(12), 1170-1178 (2012)
Noon, C., Zhang, R., Winer, E., Oliver, J., Gilmore, B., and Duncan, J., “A System for Rapid Creation and Assessment of Conceptual Large Vehicle Designs using Immersive Virtual Reality,” Computers in Industry, 63(5), 500-512 (2012)
Pollock, B., Burton, M., Kelly, J.W., Gilbert, S., and Winer, E., “The Right View from the Wrong Location: Depth Perception in Stereoscopic Multi-User Virtual Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(4), 581-588 (2012)
Foo, J.L. (+), Miyano, G., Lobe, T., and Winer, E., “Tumor Segmentation from Computed Tomography (CT) Image Data using a Probabilistic Pixel Selection Approach,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 41, 56-65 (2011)
Kalivarapu, V., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E.H., “Synchronous Parallelization of Particle Swarm Optimization With Digital Pheromones,” Advances in Engineering Software, 40(10), 975-985 (2009)
Foo, J.L., Miyano, G., Lobe, T., Winer, E., ” Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Tumors from CT Image Data using an Adaptive Fuzzy System,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 39(10), 869-878 (2009)
Foo, J.L., Knutzon, J., Kalivarapu, V., Oliver, J., and Winer, E.H., “Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using B-Splines and Particle Swarm Optimization,” Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication, 6(4), 271-290, (2009)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E.H., “Asynchronous Parallelization of Particle Swarm Optimization through Digital Pheromone Sharing,” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 39(3), 263-274 (2009)
Kalivarapu, V., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E.H., “Improving Solution Characteristics of Particle Swarm Optimization using Digital Pheromones,” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 37(4), 415-427 (2009)
Foo J.L., Lobe T., and Winer E., “A Virtual Reality Environment for Patient Data Visualization and Endoscopic Surgical Planning,” Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 19(s1), s211-s217 (2009)
Koehring, A., Foo, J.L., Miyano, G., Lobe, T., and Winer, E.H., “A Framework for Interactive Visualization of Digital Medical Images,” Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 18(5), 697-706 (2008)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E.H., “A Multi-Fidelity Software Framework for Interactive Modeling of Advective and Diffusive Contaminant Transport in Groundwater,” Journal of Environmental Modeling & Software, 23 (12), 1370-1383, (2008)
Beck, J.G., Palyo, S.A., Winer. E., Schwagler B., and Ang, E.J., “Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for PTSD Symptoms after a Road Accident: An Uncontrolled Case Series,” Behavior Therapy, 38(1), 39-48 (2007)
Kanukolanu, D., Lewis, K., and Winer, E.H., “A Multidimensional Visualization Interface to Aid in Trade-off Decisions During the Solution of Coupled Subsystems Under Uncertainty,” Journal of Computer and Information Science in Engineering, 6(3), 288-299 (2006)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Development of Visual Design Steering as an Aid in Large Scale Multidisciplinary Design Optimization – Part I: Method Development,” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 23(6), 412-424 (2002)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Development of Visual Design Steering as an Aid in Large Scale Multidisciplinary Design Optimization – Part II: Method Validation,” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 23(6), 425-435 (2002)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Visual Design Steering for Optimization Solution Improvement,” Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 22(3), 219-229 (2001)
Conference Publications
Wang K., Meister, P., Dorneich, M., Brown, L., Whitehurst, G., and Winer, E., “An Augmented Reality Thunderstorm Simulation to Improve Aviation Weather Pilot Training”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 29-December 3, Paper no. 21155, Acceptance Rate 47% (2021)
Meister, P., Miller, J., Wang, K., Dorneich, M. C., Winer, E., Brown, L., and Whitehurst, G., “Using Three-Dimensional Augmented Reality to Enhance General Aviation Weather Training”, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, October 4-7, 65(1), pp. 272-276), Acceptance Rate 74% (2021)
Meister, P., Wang, K., Dorneich, M. C., Winer, E., Brown, L., and Whitehurst, G., “Applying Augmented Reality Capabilities to Enhance General Aviation Weather Training”, In AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, August 2-6, Paper no. 2953, Acceptance Rate 83% (2021)
V., Kohl, A., Miller, J., and Winer, E., “Designing a Deep Learning and Computer-Vision Based Autonomous Vehicle Within a Multimodal Traffic Simulation Framework”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 30-December 4, Paper no. 20455, Acceptance Rate 52% (2020)
Ouverson, K., Hoover, M., Gilbert, S., Dorneich, M., and Winer, E., “Trainer Situational Awareness Methods in Virtual Reality: A Scoping Review”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 30-December 4, Paper no. 20455, Acceptance Rate 52% (2020)
Miller, J., V., Holm, M., Finseth, T., Williams, J., and Winer, E., “A Flexible Multi-Modal Multi-User Traffic Simulation for Studying Complex Road Design,” In ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2020), August 17-19, DETC2020/CIE-52431, Acceptance Rate 86% (2020)
Wright, L., Chunko, L., Benjamin, K., Hernandez, E., Miller, J., Hoover, M., and Winer, E., “Enhancing Lifeguard Training Through Virtual Reality”, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, CA, January 26 – 30, Acceptance Rate 81% (2020)
Miller, J., Hanus, A., and Winer, E., “Utilizing Commodity Virtual Reality Devices for Multi-user Training Simulations”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 2-6, Paper no. 19361, Acceptance Rate 47% (2019)
Kohl, A. and Winer, E., “Visualizing Engineering Design Data Using a Modified Two- Level Self-Organizing Map Clustering Approach,” 2019 AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, Dallas, TX, June 17-21, Acceptance Rate 86% (2019)
Miller, J., Hoover, M., and Winer, E., “Overcoming Limitations of the HoloLens For Use in Product Assembly”, IS&T Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, CA, January 13 – 17, Acceptance Rate 84% (2019)
Dodoo, E. R., Hill, B., Garcia, A., Kohl, A., MacAllister, A., Schlueter, J. and Winer, E., “Evaluating Commodity Hardware and Software for Virtual Reality Assembly Training”, Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 28 – February 1, (3), 468-1, Acceptance Rate 81% (2018)
Hoover, M., Miller, J., Gilbert, S., Davies, P., and Winer, E., “Evaluating Augmented Reality Assembly Instructions Delivered via Microsoft HoloLens”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 26-29, Paper no. 18272, Acceptance Rate 37% (2018)
MacAllister, A. and Winer, E., “Adapting Bayesian Networks to Predict Complex Systems using Small Datasets”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 26-29, Paper no. 18269, Acceptance Rate 37% (2018)
Walton, J., Ostrander, A., Ouverson, K., Gilbert, S.B., Dorneich, M., Winer, E. and Sinatra, A., “Feedback Design Considerations for Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems”, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, October 1-5, (62)1, 1977-1981, Acceptance Rate 75% (2018)
Dodoo, E. R., Hill, B., Garcia, A., Kohl, A., MacAllister, A., Schlueter, J. and Winer, E., “Evaluating Commodity Hardware and Software for Virtual Reality Assembly Training”, Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 28 – February 1, (3), 468-1, Acceptance Rate 81% (2018)
MacAllister, A., Miller, J., and Winer, E., “Predicting Manufacturing Aptitude using Augmented Reality Work Instructions”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 27-December 1, Paper no. 17224, Acceptance Rate 40% (2017)
MacAllister, A., Hoover, M., Gilbert, S., Oliver, J., Radkowski, R., Garrett, T., Holub, J., Winer, E., Terry, S., and Davies, P., “Comparing Visual Assembly Aids for Augmented Reality Work Instructions” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 27-December 1, Paper no. 17208, Acceptance Rate 40% (2017)
Schlueter, J. and Winer, E., “Expert-Assisted Field Maintenance using Augmented Reality”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 27-December 1, Paper no. 17262, Acceptance Rate 40% (2017)
MacAllister, A., Kohl, A., Gilbert, S., Winer, E., Dorneich, M., Bonner, D., Slavina, A., “Analysis of Team Tutoring Training Data”, MODSIM World, Virginia Beach, VA, April 25-27, Acceptance Rate 82% (2017)
Schlueter, J., Baiotto, H., Hoover, M., Kalivarapu, V., Evans, G., and Winer, E., “Best practices for Cross-Platform Virtual Reality Development”, SPIE Defense +Commercial Sensing, Anaheim, CA, April 9-13, Paper no. 1019709, Acceptance Rate 78% (2017)
Evans, G., Miller, J., Iglesias Pena, M., MacAllister, A., and Winer, E. “Evaluating the Microsoft HoloLens through an augmented reality assembly application”, SPIE Defense +Commercial Sensing, Anaheim, CA, April 9-13, Acceptance Rate 78% (2017)
Miller, J., Baiotto, H., MacAllister, A., Evans, G., Schlueter, J., Hoover, M., Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Comparison of a Virtual Game-Day Experience on Varying Devices”, IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, CA, January 29-31, Acceptance Rate 83% (2017)
MacAllister, A., Gilbert, S., Holub, J., Davies, P., and Winer, E., “Comparison of Navigation Methods in Augmented Reality Guided Assembly,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 28-December 2, Paper no. 16075, Acceptance Rate 35% (2016)
Gilbert, S., Keren, N., Winer, E., Franke, W., Godby, K., MacAllister, A., McPherson, C., de la Cruz, J., and Lyons, J., “Evaluating the Value of Dynamic Terrain Simulation on Training Quality,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 28-December 2, Paper no. 16114, Acceptance Rate 35% (2016)
Hoover, M., MacAllister, A., Holub, J., Gilbert, S., Davies, P., and Winer, E., “Assembly Training Using Commodity Physiological Sensors,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 28-December 2, Paper no. 16159, Acceptance Rate 35% (2016)
Bonner, D., Dorneich, M., Gilbert, S., and Winer, E., “Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, September 19-23, Acceptance Rate 75% (2016)
Peck, B., Gilbert, S., Winer, E., and Ray, R. C., “HomCam A Wireless 360-Degree Wearable Streaming Camera for Remote Situational Awareness,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, September 19-23, Acceptance Rate 75% (2016)
Jung, S., Simpson, T. W., Bloebaum, C., Kannan, H., Winer, E., and Mesmer, B. “A Value-Driven Design Approach to Optimize a Family of Front-Loading Washing Machines,” In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2016), Charlotte, NC, August 21-24, DETC2016/DAC-60240, Acceptance Rate 88% (2016)
MacAllister A., Yeh, T. P., and Winer, E., “Implementing Native Support for Oculus and Leap Motion in a Commercial Engineering Visualization and Analysis Platform,” Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, February 14-18, (4), 1-11, Acceptance Rate 84% (2016)
Walton J., Gilbert. S., Winer. E., Dorneich. M., and Bonner, D., “Evaluating Distributed Teams with the Team Multiple Errands Test”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 30 – December 4, Paper no. 15264, Acceptance Rate 38% (2015)
Holub, J. and Winer. E., “Visualizing fMRI Data Using Volume Rendering in Virtual Reality”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, November 30 – December 4, Paper no. 15253, Acceptance Rate 38% (2015)
Renner, A., Holub, J., Evans, G., Sridhar, S., and Winer, E., “A Virtual Reality Application for Additive Manufacturing Process Training,”, ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2015), Boston, MA, August 2-5, DETC2015-47807, Acceptance Rate 81% (2015)
Curtis, M., Dawson, K., Jackson, K., Litwin, L., Meusel, C., Dorneich, M., Gilbert, S., Kelly, J., Stone, R., and Winer, E., “Mitigating Visually Induced Motion Sickness: A virtual hand- eye coordination task,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) International Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, October 26-30, 59(1), 1839-1843 (2015)
Renner, A., Thompson, F., Kalivarapu, V., Oliver, J., and Winer, E., “An Application of Conceptual Design and Multidisciplinary Analysis Transitioning to Detailed Design Stages,” 16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Dallas, TX, June 22-26, Acceptance Rate 82% (2015)
Richardson T., and Winer E., “Increasing Feasibility of the Self-Organizing Map as a Design Tool for a Novel Convergence Heuristic,” 16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Dallas, TX, June 22-26, Acceptance Rate 82% (2015)
Zou, R., Kalivarapu, V., Bhattacharya, S., Winer, E., and Oliver, J., “Standard Particle Swarm Optimization on Source Seeking Using Mobile Robots,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015 (SCITECH 2015), Kissimmee, FL, January 5-9, AIAA-2015-0897, Acceptance Rate 87% (2015)
Kalivarapu, V., MacAllister, A., Hoover, M., Sridhar, S., Schlueter, J., Civitate, A., Thompkins, P., Smith, J., Hoyle, J., Oliver, J., Winer, E., and Chernoff, G., “Game-day Football Visualization Experience on Dissimilar Virtual Reality Platforms,” IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, February 9-12, Acceptance Rate 86% (2015)
Richardson, T., Gilbert, S., Holub, J., Thompson, F., MacAllister, A., Radkowski, R., Winer, E., Davies, P., and Terry, S., “Fusing Self-Reported and Sensor Data from Mixed-Reality Training,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 1-5, Paper no. 14158, Acceptance Rate 37% (2014)
Kopecky, K., Winer, E., and de la Cruz, J., “Simulating Participant Training Data to Test Mixed-Reality Training Systems,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 1-5, Paper no. 14252, Acceptance Rate 37% (2014)
Zou, R., Zhang, M., Kalivarapu, V., Winer, E., and Bhattacharya, S., “Particle Swarm Optimization for Source Localization in Environment with Obstacles,” IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC), Antibes, Italy, October 8-10, pp. 1602-1607, Acceptance Rate 66% (2014)
MacAllister, A., Yeh, T-P, Seal, D., Degenhardt, G., and Winer, E., “A Natural User Interface for Immersive Design Review,” ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), Buffalo, NY, August 17-20, DETC2014-34633, Acceptance Rate 81% (2014)
Tibor, E., Miller, S., Stump, G., Bloebaum, C.L., Mesmer, B., Simpson, T.W., Winer, E., and Yukish, M., “Toward a Value-Driven Design Approach for Complex Engineered Systems Using Trade Space Exploration Tools,” ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), Buffalo, NY, August 17-20, DETC2014-34503, Acceptance Rate 81% (2014)
Richardson, T., Kannan, H., Bloebaum, C., and Winer, E., “Incorporating Value-Driven Design into the Visualization of Design Spaces Using Contextual Self-Organizing Maps: A Case Study of Satellite Design,” 15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference at the AIAA Aviation Forum, Atlanta, GA, June 16-20, AIAA 2014-2728, Acceptance Rate 84% (2014)
Richardson, T., Holub, J., and Winer, E., “Improving Contextual Self-Organizing Map Solution Times Using GPU Parallel Training,” 15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference at the AIAA Aviation Forum, Atlanta, GA, June 16-20, AIAA 2014-2431, Acceptance Rate 84% (2014)
Kopecky, K., and Winer, E, “MetaTracker: Integration and Abstraction of 3D Motion Tracking Data from Multiple Hardware Systems,” SPIE Defense+Security, May 5-9, Baltimore, MD, Paper no. 9095-6, Acceptance Rate 88% (2014)
Gilbert, S., Civitate, A., Kelly, J.W., Thompson, F., Smith, A., Kopecky, K., Winer, E., and de la Cruz, J., “Comparing Training Performance With Vibrotactile Hit Alerts vs. Audio Alerts,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 2-5, Acceptance Rate 36% (2013)
Kelly, J.W., Winer, E., Gilbert, S., Curtis, M., Rubio, E., Kopecky, K., Holub, J., and de la Cruz, J., “Assessing Multiple Participant View Positioning in Virtual Reality-Based Training,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 2-5, Acceptance Rate 36% (2013)
Kopecky, K., Gilbert, S., Winer, E., Civitate, A., and de la Cruz, J., “A Software Approach to Manage and Maintain Warfighter Training Systems,” The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 2-5, Acceptance Rate 36% (2013)
Juhnke, B., Berron, M., Philip, A., Williams, J., Holub, J., and Winer, E., “Comparing the Microsoft Kinect to a Traditional Mouse for Adjusting the Viewed Tissue Densities of Three-Dimensional Anatomical Structures,” Proceedings of the 2013 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Burlingame, CA, February 3-7, Acceptance Rate 82% (2013)
Martinez-Escobar, M., Juhnke, B., Hisley, K., Eliot, D., and Winer, E., “Assessment of Visual-Spatial Skills in Medical Context Tasks when Using Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Visualization,” Proceedings of the 2013 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Burlingame, CA, February 3-7, Acceptance Rate 82% (2013)
Noon, C., Holub, J., and Winer, E., “Real-Time Volume Rendering of Digital Medical Images on an iOS Device,” Proceedings of the 2013 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Burlingame, CA, February 3-7, Acceptance Rate 82% (2013)
Peterson, A., Gilbert, S., Winer, E., Welch, J., de la Cruz, J., and Gonzalez, H., “OmniScribe – Enhancing AAR in an LVC Environment”, The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL, December 3-6, Acceptance Rate 25% (2012)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Graphics Hardware Acceleration of Particle Swarm Optimization with Digital Pheromones using the CUDA Architecture,” 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 17-19, Acceptance Rate 84% (2012)
Holub, J., Richardson T., Dryden, M., La Grotta, S., and Winer, E., “Contextual Self-Organizing Map Visualization to Improve Optimization Solution Convergence,” 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 17-19, Acceptance Rate 84% (2012)
Holub, J., Foo, J.L., Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Three Dimensional Multi-Objective UAV Path Planning Using Digital Pheromone Particle Swarm Optimization,” 8th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Honolulu, HI, April 23-26, Acceptance Rate 89% (2012)
Pollock, B., Burton, M., Kelly, J.W., Gilbert, S., and Winer, E., “The Right View from the Wrong Location: Depth Perception in Stereoscopic Multi-User Virtual Environments,” IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Orange County, CA, March 4-8, Acceptance Rate unknown (2012)
Noon, C., Foo, E., and Winer, E., “Interactive GPU Volume Raycasting in a Clustered Graphics Environment,” Proceedings of the 2012 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, February 19-24, Acceptance Rate unknown (2012)
Burton, M., Pollock, B., Kelly, J., Gilbert, S., Winer, E., and de la Cruz, J., “Diagnosing Perceptual Distortion Present in Group Stereoscope Viewing,” IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 22-26, Acceptance Rate unknown (2012)
Pollock, B., Winer, E., Gilbert, S., and de la Cruz, J., “LVC Interaction Within a Mixed Reality Training System,” IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 22-26, Acceptance Rate unknown (2012)
Richardson, T., and Winer, E., “Visually Exploring a Design Space Through the Use of Multiple Contextual Self-Organizing Maps,” ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2011), Washington, DC, August 29-31, Paper No. DETC2011-47944, Acceptance Rate 82% (2011)
Newendorp, B., Noon, C., Holub, J., Winer, E., Gilbert, S., and de la Cruz, J., “Configuring Virtual Reality Displays in a Mixed-Reality Environment for LVC Training,” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR2011), Milan, Italy, June 27-29, WINVR2011-5583, Acceptance Rate 93% (2011)
Martinez, M., Peloquin, C., Juhnke, B., Peddicord, J., Jose, S., Noon, C., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E., “Development of a Customizable Software Application for Medical Imaging Analysis and Visualization,” Proceedings of 18th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), Newport Beach, CA, February 8 – 12, Acceptance Rate unknown (2011)
Nekolny, B., Richardson, T., and Winer E. H., “Visual Design Space Exploration using Contextual Self-Organizing Maps,” 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference, Fort Worth, TX, September 13-15, AIAA-2010-9326, Acceptance Rate 84% (2010)
Kalivarapu V., and Winer E. H., “Performance of Hardware Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization with Digital Pheromones on Dissimilar Computing Platforms,” 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference, Fort Worth, TX, September 13-15, AIAA-2010-9270, Acceptance Rate 84% (2010)
Zhang, R., Winer, E., and Oliver, J., “Subdivision-Based 3D Remeshing with a Fast Spherical Parameterization Method,” ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2010), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15-18, Paper No. DETC2010-28904, Acceptance Rate 81% (2010)
Marsh, W., Swartzentruber, L., Holub, J., Gilbert, S., Oliver J., and Winer, E., “Interfaces for 3D Flight Path Visualization,” ASME 2nd World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR10), Ames, IA, May 12-14, WINVR2010-3755, Acceptance Rate 88% (2010)
Noon C., Newendorp B., Zhang, R., Winer E., Oliver J., Duncan, J., and Gilmore, B., “Intuitive Measurement Interface for Simplified Mesh Models for Rapid Conceptual Design,” ASME 2nd World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR10), Ames, IA, May 12-14, WINVR2010-3713, Acceptance Rate 88% (2010)
Noon C., Newendorp B., Winer E., and Oliver J., “Keyframe-Based Scenegraph Animation API for Virtual Reality Applications,” ASME 2nd World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR10), Ames, IA, May 12-14, WINVR2010-3721, Acceptance Rate 88% (2010)
Swartzentruber L., Foo J., and Winer E., “Multi-Objective UAV Path Planning with Refined Reconnaissance and Threat Formulations,” 6th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Orlando, FL, April 12-15, AIAA-2010-2758, Acceptance Rate 82% (2010)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Diversity and Frame Invariance Characteristics in Particle Swarm Optimization with and without Digital Pheromones”, 6th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Orlando, FL, April 12-15, AIAA-2010-3080, Acceptance Rate 82% (2010)
Noon, C., and Winer, E., “A Study of Different Metamodeling Techniques for Conceptual Design,” ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2009), San Diego, CA, USA, August 30-September 2, Paper No. DETC2009-86496, Acceptance Rate 86% (2009)
Noon, C., Koehring, A., and Winer, E., “Comparison of Metamodeling Techniques for Real-Time Conceptual Design Analysis,” 8th ISSMO World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO8), Lisbon, Portugal, June 1-5, Acceptance Rate 71% (2009)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Digital Pheromone Implementation of PSO with Velocity Vector Accelerated by Commodity Graphics Hardware,” 5th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 4-7, AIAA 2009-9192, Acceptance Rate 88% (2009)
Swartzentruber, L., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E., “Three-Dimensional Multi-Objective UAV Path Planner Using Terrain Information,” 5th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 4-7, AIAA 2009-2222, Acceptance Rate 88% (2009)
Noon, C., Zhang, R., Winer, E., Oliver, J., Gilmore, B., and Duncan, J., “An Immersive VR Application for Interactive Product Concept Generation and Qualitative Evaluation,” ASME 2nd World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR09), Chalon-sur-Saône, France, February 25-26, Paper No. WINVR09-712, Acceptance Rate 85% (2009)
Newendorp, B., Noon, C., Chan, C., Winer, E., and Oliver, J., “Development Methods and a Scenegraph Animation API for Cluster Driven Immersive Applications,” ASME 2nd World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR09), Chalon-sur-Saône, France, February 25-26, Paper No. WINVR09-736, Acceptance Rate 85% (2009)
Koehring, A., and Winer, E., “An Augmented Reality Tool for Conceptual Design,” ASME 2nd World Conference on Innovative Virtual Reality (WINVR09), Chalon-sur-Saône, France, February 25-26, Paper No. WINVR09-739, Acceptance Rate 85% (2009)
Foo, J.L., Lobe, T., and Winer, E., “Automated Probabilistic Segmentation of Tumors from CT Data using Spatial and Intensity Properties,” Proceedings of the 2009 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL, February 8-10, Acceptance Rate 83% (2009)
Foo, J.L., Martinez, M., Peloquin, C., Lobe, T., and Winer, E., “A Collaborative Interaction and Visualization Multi-Modal Environment for Surgical Planning,” Proceedings of 17th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), Long Beach, CA, January 19 – 22, Acceptance Rate 86% (2009)
Swartzentruber, L., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E., “Three-Dimensional Multi-Objective UAV Path Planner Using Meta-Paths for Decision Making and Visualization,” 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, British Columbia, CA, September 10-12, AIAA-2008-5830, Acceptance Rate 82% (2008)
Koehring, A., Noon, C., Zhang, R., Winer, E., Oliver, J., Gilmore, B., and Duncan, J., “Metamodeling for the Quantitative Assessment of Conceptual Designs,” 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, British Columbia, CA, September 10-12, AIAA-2008-5973, Acceptance Rate 82% (2008)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Implementation of Digital Pheromones in PSO Accelerated by Commodity Graphics Hardware,” 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, British Columbia, CA, September 10-12, AIAA-2008-6021, Acceptance Rate 82% (2008)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Parallel Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) through Digital Pheromone Sharing”, ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2008), Brooklyn, NY, August 3–6, DETC2008-49444, Acceptance Rate 75% (2008)
Foo, J.L., and Winer, E., “Interactive Multi-Modal Visualization Environment for Complex System Decision Making,” ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2008), Brooklyn, NY, August 3–6, DETC2008-49805, Acceptance Rate 75% (2008)
Foo, J.L., Miyano, G., Lobe, T., and Winer, E., “A Framework for Interactive Examination of Automatic Segmented Tumors in a Virtual Environment,” 16th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), January 29, Long Beach, CA, vol. 132, pp. 120-122, Acceptance Rate 50% (2008)
Foo, J.L., Miyano, G., Lobe, T., and Winer, E.H., “Adaptive Fuzzy Segmentation of Tumors in Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography (CT) Image Data,” ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2007), Las Vegas, NV, September 4-7, DETC2007-35413, Acceptance Rate 78% (2007)
Zhang, R., Noon, C., Oliver, J., Winer, E., Gilmore, B., and Duncan, J., “Immersive Product Configurator for Conceptual Design,” ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2007), Las Vegas, NV, September 4-7, DETC2007-35390, Acceptance Rate 78% (2007)
Zhang, R., Noon, C., Winer, E., Oliver, J., Gilmore, B., and Duncan, J., “Immersive Product Configurator for Conceptual Design,” 3rd Annual AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialists Conference, Waikiki, HI, April 23-26, AIAA-2007-1931, Acceptance Rate 85% (2007)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “A Statistical Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization With and Without Digital Pheromones,” 3rd Annual AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialists Conference, Waikiki, HI, April 23-26, AIAA-2007-1882, Acceptance Rate 85% (2007)
Foo, J.L., Knutzon, J.S., Oliver. J.H., and Winer, E., “Three-Dimensional Multi Objective Path Planner for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Particle Swarm Optimization,” 3rd Annual AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialists Conference, Waikiki, HI, April 23-26, AIAA-2007-1881, Acceptance Rate 85% (2007)
Batkiewicz, T.J., Dohse, K.C., Kalivarapu, V., Dohse, T., Walter, B., Knutzon, J., Parkhurst, D., Winer, E., and Oliver, J., “Multimodal UAV Ground Control System,” 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, VA, Sept 6-8, AIAA-2006-6963, Acceptance Rate 80% (2006)
Foo, J.L., Knutzon, J.S., Oliver, J.H., and Winer, E., “Three-Dimensional Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Particle Swarm Optimization,” 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, VA, Sept 6-8, AIAA-2006-6995, Acceptance Rate 80% (2006)
Kalivarapu, V., Foo, J.L., and Winer, E., “A Parallel Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization Using Digital Pheromones,” 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, VA, Sept 6-8, AIAA-2006-6908, Acceptance Rate 80% (2006)
Kopecky, K., Muth, D. J. Jr., McCorkle, D. S., Winer, E. H., and Bryden, K. M., “A Web-Based Interface for Complex Design Using a Virtual Engineering Software Framework,” 2nd Annual AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2006, Newport, RI, May 1-4, AIAA-2006-1614, Acceptance Rate 85% (2006)
Foo, J.L., Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E., “Implementation of Digital Pheromones for use In Particle Swarm Optimization,” 2nd Annual AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2006, Newport, RI, May 1-4, AIAA-2006-1917, Acceptance Rate 85% (2006)
Foo, E., and Winer, E., “A Multi-Phase, Probabilistic Approach to Image Segmentation in MRI and CT Studies,” Biomedicine 2005: 6th International Conference on Modeling in Medicine and Biology, Bologna, Italy, September 7-9, pp. 581-590, Acceptance Rate 56% (2005)
McKean, A., Kalivarapu, V., Winer, E., Vance, J., and Duncan, J., “Using a Web-Based Query Engine and Immersive Virtual Reality to Select and View 3D Anthropometry in Vehicle Operator Workstation Design,” 1st Annual AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Austin, TX, April 18-21, AIAA-2005-1814, Acceptance Rate 85% (2005)
Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E.H., “An Approach to Convert Vertex-Based 3D Representations to Combinatorial B-Splines for Real-Time Visual Collaboration,” 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January10-13, AIAA-2005-0124, Acceptance Rate 75% (2005)
Vaze, A., Kalivarapu, V., and Winer, E.H., “Data Modeling and Handling for Analysis and Visualization in a Collaborative Setting,” 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Albany, New York, August 26-September 2, AIAA-2004-4603, Acceptance Rate 80% (2004)
Kanukolanu, D., Lewis, K.H,, and Winer, E.H., “Robust Design of Coupled Sub-Systems Using Visualization,” 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 7-10, AIAA-2004-0115, Acceptance Rate 85% (2004)
Malik, T., and Winer, E. H., “An Analytical Curve Based Approach for Multi-Modal Optimization,” 9th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 9-11, AIAA-2002-5520, Acceptance Rate 86% (2002)
Samant, A., Shah, P., and Winer, E. H., “Visual Design Steering to Aid Decision-Making in Optimal Design,” 9th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 9-11, AIAA-2002-5623, Acceptance Rate 86% (2002)
Sheridan, M.F., Bloebaum, C.L., Kesavadas, T., Patra, A.K, and Winer, E., “Visualization and Communication in Risk Management of Landslides,” Proceedings of Risk Analysis III, pp. 691-701, Acceptance Rate unknown (2002)
English, K., Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C. L., “A Visualization-based Framework for Trade-offs in Complex Engineering Design,” 5th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, Las Vegas, NV, August 7-10, Acceptance Rate 70% (2001)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Visual Design Steering For Optimization Solution Improvement,” 8th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Long Beach, CA, September 6-8, Acceptance Rate 80% (2000)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Using the World Wide Web to Employ Concurrent Design Methodologies,” 3rd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO3), Amherst, NY, May 17-21, Acceptance Rate 79% (1999)
Winer, E. H., Abdul Jalil, M. K., and Bloebaum, C. L., “Development of a Geographic Independent Virtual Design Environment for Large-Scale Design,” 7th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, St. Louis, MO, September 5-7, Acceptance Rate 84% (1998)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Interactive 3-D Visualization for Large-Scale Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,” 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, Maui, HI, Acceptance Rate unknown (1998)
Abdul Jalil, M. K., Winer, E. H., and Bloebaum, C. L., “Development of a Virtual Visualization Environment for Large-Scale Design,” 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 5-7, Acceptance Rate 85% (1998)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “N-Dimensional Design Visualization via Graph Morphing for Large-Scale Optimization,” 2nd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO2), Zakopane, Poland, pp. 911-916, Acceptance Rate 90% (1997)
Winer, E.H., and Bloebaum, C.L., “Design Visualization by Graph Morphing for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,” 1st International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, Bangkok, Thailand, Acceptance Rate 89% (1997)