Reflection 1

Over the past 2 days, I had a wonderful time exploring Iowa State University. Yesterday when doing the scavenger hunt around campus I got to see how big it is as well as how pretty it is. It was truly inspiring to witness the academic energy that permeated the campus. I also had the pleasure of indulging in delicious culinary experiences. Like the first day I got here, I got to go to a Thai restaurant which had by far the best fried rice I have had in a long time. Oh, I also got to try sticky rice for the first time and let me just say I was totally missing out before. :-(. I also got to go to a Mexican restaurant close by with my research group and it was also really delicious. I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks entail and what other culinary experiences I’ll get to have.

Another thing, is that now that I am going to living in an apartment for the 10 weeks we are here, I going to have to attempt to cook. Living in a dorm often meant relying on dining halls or takeout for sustenance. But in the apartment, I finally had a kitchen all to myself. Gone were the days of microwaving ramen noodles for dinner. I can finally embrace my inner chef and experimented with recipes from Pinterest, YouTube, and family cookbooks. Some attempts have resulted in mouthwatering masterpieces, while others were more like culinary catastrophes. But hey, even burnt cookies have a certain charm, right?

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