Blog #3: Weekend Update

Unfortunately, this one will not be as funny as SNL.


This weekend an unsuspecting REU intern was saved by a wagonful of puppies (pictured below).

Saturday we went to the farmer’s market in Des Moines. I expected busy, but I didn’t expect state fair busy. What was I to do?

Out of nowhere, four puppies appeared. It felt as if I was experiencing divine intervention. One of them had fallen asleep in the water bowl. I nearly cried. I was cured of all ills. A true miracle.


The hearts of the VRAC community have been shattered after a tragedy rocked Freddy Court this weekend.

REU intern Amy Gilhoi, a renowned baker (some people like my cookies), was feeling especially generous after a day of relaxing and recharging and decided to bake oatmeal raisin cookies for the other REU interns as several of them had expressed that this was their favorite type of cookie.

***Okay, side note here. Never before have I met someone who claimed oatmeal raisin as their favorite cookie. Oatmeal raisin is fine. It’s a classic, and I will eat it if handed to me. Given the whole wide world of cookies, however, I cannot imagine choosing such a mundane cookie as my very favorite.

Here comes the weird part: Four separate REU interns told me this was their favorite cookie, and I am led to question the sanity of this group. ***

Okay, I’m switching to first person. Third person is a little too weird, even for me.

I had not yet baked in these ovens, so I was a little wary, but I’m an experienced baker, right? I figured my first batch might be a little off, but I knew the recipe would make at least three batches, so I’d definitely have cookies and all would be well.


The ovens are set with a dial, which is frustrating for baking, but I figured I just might have to adjust a little more. I set the dial to 350, waited for it to preheat, then placed my cookies in the oven.

I smell a lovely smell.

Then a not-so-lovely smell.

I frantically opened the oven to find that my parchment paper had been scorched, the bottoms of the cookies were black, and the tops were entirely raw.

I was horrified.

This obviously meant that the oven was way too hot, so I turned it down 25 degrees (if you bake, you know this is an insane amount). I tried again. Same thing.

I turned it down even more and moved the rack way higher than I ever would normally. Still, the cookies were inedible.

So, no cookies. Sorry everyone.

Here is a random photo from the internet. The actual cookies were much, much worse.


Here’s a final short story: I don’t get it.

Why are there so many menus????

My bother says it shouldn’t be hard and he’s usually correct (NEVER tell him I said that), so hopefully I figure it out soon.

Weekend Update!!

Here’s my song for this post:

I have no explanation for this one other than I love Billy Joel.


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