Let’s Play a Game

Every time I get onto the website to write a blog post, this scene from Firefly runs through my head were Jayne is “reading” Simon’s diary (for those who haven’t seen Firefly, just ignore this part) and I get this weird feeling realizing that, in fact, people are reading what I’m saying. It’s not as if this is a new thing; I’ve been writing essays since third grade, I’ve had an op-ed written up in a local paper, and a short story in a literary magazine. I should be used to people reading my words and yet… somehow this feels different.

So yes, I recognize that blogs are not actually diaries, but also, I think they function- at least for me- in a relatively similar way. And, even though I’ve been journaling since I was 14, it’s never been something I shared. Beyond this, I’ve recently fallen out of the habit of journaling and in the absence of my normal journal, this blog has become sort of a de facto diary for me. With this in mind, remember that I am much less polished of a writer and person when I’m just spilling my thoughts out, rather than when I’m writing something to be presented. And, even though this is being read and by extension presented to people, it has an entirely different context which informs the level of fluidity of style and grammar that I’m allowing myself to take which normally, for “published” work, I would not. I’m saying all this because as I reread some of my blog last night I noticed an absolutely atrocious number of spelling and grammar errors that I had somehow missed, and I feel- maybe unnecessarily- that I should apologize for them. So this here is an apology, and also a thanks for not being grammar police about it.

As I was sitting there thinking about the people who hardly know me reading this blog, I thought, I may have been working with many of them for a few weeks, but we haven’t known each other for very much time at all. I think it’s important you all know some things about me. However, just telling you would be no fun, so I’ve decided to make it a game. You don’t have to play, obviously, but I would very much enjoy learning what things people people think are true about me and what aren’t. So I’m going to say 10 things about myself and you all can guess which one you think is a lie. And if you’d like, you can make your own and I’ll guess what is true and what isn’t. You don’t have to come up with 10 things either, it can be just one true thing and one lie, or any number of truths. Basic rules of Guess The Lie however, is that only one thing can be a lie, and you can’t use outside sources to discover if something is a lie or not (i.e. no googling or internet stalking). Ready? Here we go!

Guess the Lie:

  1. My favorite color is orange.
  2. I was the first girl born into my father’s family in 144 years. All the women married in, and only boys were born.
  3. I wear mismatched socks everyday.
  4. I’ve attended 4 colleges as a student, a total of 5 different times (this is to say 4 schools and one of them twice).
  5. When I was in 8th grade, I wanted to be a medical examiner until I realized how smelly morgues are.
  6. I have 5 left handed siblings.
  7. My favorite numbers are 7, 21, 27, and 47.
  8. I am older than Google by less than a week.
  9. I HATE cilantro.
  10. I have every word to the 2005 movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice memorized to the point that given silence and two hours, I can play the entire movie in my head like I am a DVD or streaming service.

Some of these might be obviously true to some people given that I probably have already mentioned them, being the chatterbox I am, but I wonder, will anyone know which one isn’t true? The answer will be in my next post so guess now while you can! (or don’t. It’s not like I can control your actions.) May the odds be ever in your favor.

4 Replies to “Let’s Play a Game”

  1. As your roommate for the summer, I feel like I can take a pretty good guess! I’m leaning towards #2 or #9 being false. I can’t wait to see!

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