Even more fun activities

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to participate in the prototype testing for Nadya, Ayman, and Allison’s research project. I got sent into a virtual room where I was met with two avatars. There, I used my voice and talked with both of them, asking about who they are, their research area, and their plans for the future. I then completed an extensive Qualtrics survey. I found the whole thing to be an amazing experience. Looking back, it may not have been ideal for me to have signed up, but I’m glad I managed to push through, helping the group discover bugs, gain data on a potential user’s experience, and gather insights on which interfaces work best for user interaction. They’re doing an incredible job, and I’m happy to have been able to witness all of the hard work they put in these past weeks. I can’t wait to hear more about their project as we approach the end of the program.

On Thursday, I somehow found myself in a concert. It was in Des Moines and held outside in an open field where a band played country music to a large crowd. It was my first time ever going to a concert, but at least I had Curtis, and a chair to sit on, and comfy clothes, and wind, and clouds, and a drifting mind, and no care about my leg or hands, and we sat in the back, and everyone around us stayed in their chairs rather than stand and dance, so in the end, I think it was a fun experience. As I listened to the music, I noticed a couple in the far distance slow-dancing together. They reminded me of my grandmother and how happy she looks whenever she is dancing with my step-grandfather. I also saw someone up ahead, swaying to the sound of the beat as though her spirit was in a place of pure joy and comfort. She reminded me of my aunt who loves to dance, so much so that it feels like there is always a new video of her dancing to salsa music on Tiktok. I even saw some children having a lot of fun. They reminded me of my younger cousins, with whom I would run around and play as though I was still 8. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed their time there, including Curtis who told me it was his first time at a concert too, and if they all had fun, then so did I.

Also, at one point, as we were walking to the concert, a guy dropped something next to me, saying “my bad” and telling me to try it. I had no clue what was happening, but Curtis noticed and started doing all the talking while I continued to hide my face behind the chair I was carrying. I know better not to, but imagine if Curtis turned around later instead and saw me vaping for the first time. That would have been kind of funny.

Finally, on Saturday, we took a trip to the water park. The idea to go came up on Friday after work, so I find it funny how, upon waking up Saturday morning, Ayman and I decided to go eat at Season’s Marketplace for brunch; because to me, it felt like an escape plan to avoid going to the park (shhh). But, as soon as we were about to head out, I began hearing knocks on the front door, and turns out, it was Kris, Rebekah, and Nadya asking us enthusiastically to go to the water park with them. I actually wanted to go too, so I’m glad they came to give us that extra push. Once there, we found a really good spot just for us where there were lots of chairs under a tent. We then went on the lazy river a couple of times and went down a tube slide. It was all a lot of fun, and I always made sure I had someone I could follow. Well, except for one time when Kris and Rebekah called us from the lazy river to come join them. So with Ayman going off on his own at first and Nadya basking under the shade, I decided to sit by myself on the ledge by the entrance, dangling my legs in the water and waiting for Kris and Rebekah as they completed their lap around the river ever so slowly. Allison soon joined us, and under the tent, we all then started to talk about whatever was in our minds (well… I mostly listened). I found it interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts because almost none of these things have ever crossed my mind. I began wondering if I have opinions about anything or anyone, and so far, it seems like I don’t, except for things that I deeply enjoy like video games. And when it came to topics about life and the future, I also had nothing to say as I’ve rarely had social experiences and have only really thought about enjoying what I have now. Nonetheless, everything I heard was pretty insightful. I wonder how I would do in a debate. Unless I prepared and did research, the other side will most likely get the silent treatment from me after a couple of words (sorry).

We soon went to B-Bop’s for dinner. Kris made ordering food so much easier, so I got to enjoy a burger with some fries and a chocolate shake. It was all very good, but at this point, I was exhausted and felt like sleeping for 14 hours. Including everything I did as part of my research project, I’m realizing that I did a lot of new things this week (…wow).

One Reply to “Even more fun activities”

  1. Great imagery and description in your writing! I can really imagine all this happening. So glad the social scene at SPIRE-EIT has been so positive.

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