Intern Blogs

  • What a week

    Earlier this week, I was wondering what kind of results we would eventually show in our poster. Today, it seems like we have an answer. We were still scrambling as we found out that the silicone won’t cure in the resin. It worked in the first time, so why didn’t it work? The manual didn’t…

  • Hello I am Ayman-Yereem Kone Y

    I realized while pondering ideas for my second post for week 6 that I never really introduced myself. Who am I, where am I from, what do I like or dislike, all those things. If you’ve been reading my blogs this far, you deserve to know. Also… why? I’m definitely not that interesting – you…

  • Another Day Another post (week 6 overview)

    Hello again, these blog posts won’t write themselves, alas. Let’s dive into week 6, shall we? What can I say? It was MCA week all the way. Honestly, a part of me wishes I had picked a different one since I’d have had an idea of what I was doing at least. Nevertheless, I did…