Wednesday, June 19
Today we had our last class spent working with Unity. I actually really enjoyed working with Blender and Unity with Kate and Anjali this week because of the creative freedom that we had to explore the platforms, and to learn about what you can do on each of them. It’s crazy to think about how much I’ve already learned here. Before this week, the process of designing, creating, and navigating a 3D virtual environment was so foreign to me.
After lunch, we had some blog/work time, and then all sat and listened to Alex, Adam, and Kate pitch the deeper dive topics that they’ll be teaching over the next two weeks. The options were 3D printing, machine learning, and XR. I ended up getting XR! All of them had aspects that I would’ve enjoyed, but I was most excited for XR. Anjali and Kate are both amazing teachers as well, so I’m really excited to work with them.
After we got out for the day, Harrison and I hit the gym again for another arm day. The pull up circuit was humbling. I’ll leave it at that.
Tonight a few of us are watching Game of Thrones. The past few nights have been quieter here because the work is starting to pick up, but we’re still finding ways to make time to hang out – especially when it comes to grocery store runs…we really need to coordinate what we need at the store better. It’s to the point where Harrison picked up brioche hamburger buns instead of sliced bread when Rodney asked for brioche bread for sandwiches.

Wednesday, June 19 — No Comments
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