The following list of references was provided by participants in response to the pre-workshop questions. Pre-workshop questions are available here. Anonymous responses to pre-workshop questions available soon.

Allen, B.; Hanley, T.; Rokers, B.; and Green, C.S. 2016. Visual 3D motion acuity predicts discomfort in 3D stereoscopic environments. Entertainment Computing. 13. 1-9.
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Balram, N. 2016. Fundamentals of Light Field Imaging and Display Systems. Display Week Sunday Short Course. Retrieved, June 30, 2017.
Banakou, D.; Goten, R. and Slater, M. 2013. Illusory ownership of a virtual child body causes overestimation of object size and implicit attitude changes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 110(31). 12846-12851.
Banks, M.S.; Hoffman, D.M.; Kim, J.; and Wetzstein, G. 2016. 3D Displays. Annual Review of Vision Science. 2. 397-435.
Bergstrom, I.; Azevedo, S.; Papiotis, P.; Saldanha, N.; and Slater, M. 2017. The plausibility of a string quartet performance in virtual reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 23(4). 1352-1359.
Bowman, D. A.; McMahan, R. P. 2007. Virtual reality: How much immersion is enough?. Computer. 40(7).
Brooks, F. 1999. What's real about virtual reality? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 19(6). 16-27
Champney, R.K.; Stanney, K.M.; Hash, P.A.K.; and Malone, L.C. 2007.Recovery from virtual environment exposure: Expected time course of symptoms and potential readaptation strategies. Human Factors. 49(3). 491-506.
Chastil, E.R. and Warren, W.H. 2012. Active and passive contributions to spatial learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 19(1). 1-23.
Cordar, A.; White, C.; Wendling, A.; Lampotangm S.; and Lok, B. 2017. Repeat after me: Using mixed reality to influence best communication practices. Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 2017 Los Angeles, CA. 148-156.
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Gilbert, S. 2016. Perceived Realism of Virtual Environments Depends on Authenticity. Presence, 25(4), 322-324.
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Kamarainen, A.M.; Metcalf, S.; Grotzer, T.A.; Brimhall, C.; and Dede, C. 2016. Atom Tracker: Designing a mobile augmented reality experience to support instruction about cycles and conservation of matter in outdoor learning environments. International Journal of Designs for Learning. 7(2) 111-130.
Julier, S.; Baillot, Y.;and Brown, D. 2002. Information filtering for mobile augmented reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 22(5). 12-15.
Karniel, A.; Avraham, G.; Peles, B.C.; Levy-Tzedek, S.; and Nisky, I. 2010. One dimensional turning-like handshake test for motor intelligence. JOVE. 46.
Kilteni, K., Groten, R., Slater, M. 2012. The sense of embodiment in virtual reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments . 21(4). 373-387.
Klepek, P. (2016, June 20). Resident Evil 7 In VR Is A Nauseating Mess [UPDATE]. Retrieved June 30, 2017, from
Lackner, J.R. 2014. Motion sickness: More than nausea and vomiting. Experimental Brain Research. 232. 2493-2510.
Lackner, J.R. 2016. Nat Durlach and the founding of Presence. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 25(2). 161-165.
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Lim, S., and Reeves, B. 2009. Being in the game: Effects of avatar choice and point of view on psychophysiological responses during play. Media Psychology. 12(4). 348-370.
Lin, Q.; Rieser, J.; Bodenheimer, B. 2015. Affordance judgements in HMD-based virtual environments: stepping over a pole and stepping off a ledge. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception. 12(2). 1-21
Madary, M. and Metzingger, T.K. 2016. A code of ethical conduct: Recommendations for good scientific practice and the consumers of VR-technology. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 3(3). 1-23
Maister, L.; Sebanz, N.; Knoblich, G.; and Tsakiris, M. 2013. Experiencing ownership over a dark-skinned body reduces implicit racial bias. Cognition. 128(2). 170-178.
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Patterson, R.; Winterbottom, M.; Pierce, B.J. 2006. Perceptual issues in the use of head-mounted visual displays. Human Factors. 48(3). 555-573.
Peck, T.C.; Seinfeld, S.; Agliotim S.M.; and Slater, M. 2013. Putting yourself in the skin of a black avatar reduces implicit racial bias. Consciousness and Cognition. 22(3). 779-787.
Péruch, P.; Wilson, P. 2004. Active versus passive learning and testing in a complex outside built environment. Cognitive Processing. 5(4). 218–227
Rizzo, A.; Difede, J.; Rothbaum, B.O.; Reger, G.; Spitalnick, J.; Cukor, J.; and Mclay, R. 2010. Development and Early Evaluation of the Virtual Iraq/Afghanistan Exposure Therapy System for Combat Related PTSD. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1208(1). 114-125.
Shibata, T., Kim, J., Hoffman, D.M., and Banks, M.S. 2011. The zone of comfort: Predicting visual discomfort with stereo displays. Journal of Vision. 11(8). 1-29.
Skarbez, R.; Neyret, S.; Brooks, F.; Slater, M.; and Whitton, M.C. 2017. A Psychophysical Experiment Regarding Components of the Plausibility Illusion. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 23(4). 1369-1378.
Slater, M. 2004. How colorful was your day? Why questionnaires cannot assess presence in virtual environments. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 13(4). 484-493.
Slater, M. 2009. Place illusion and plausibility can lead to realistic behaviour in immersive virtual environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 364(1535). 3549-3557.
Slater, M.; Spanlang, B.; and Corominas, D. 2010. Simulating virtual environments within virtual environments as the basis for a psychophysics of presence. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 29(4).1-9
Suma, E.A.; G. Bruder, G.; Steinicke, F.; Krum, D.M; and Bolas, M. 2012. A taxonomy for deploying redirection techniques in immersive virtual environments. 2012 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshops. 43-46.
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Taube, J.S., Valerio, S.; and Yoder, R.M. 2013. Is navigation in virtual reality with FMRI really navigation?. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(7). 1008-1019.
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Weisberg, S.M.; Schinazi, V.R.; Newcombe, N.S.; Shipley, T.F.; and Epstein, R.A. 2014. Variations in cognitive maps: Understanding individual differences in navigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 40(3). 669.
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Windgrave, C.A.; Tinter, R.; Walker, B.N.; Bowman, D.A.; and Hodges, L.F. 2005. Exploring individual differences in raybased selection: Strategies and traits. Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2005. 163-170.
Wolpert, D.M., Diedrichsen, J. and Flanagan, J.R. 2011. Principles of sensorimotor learning. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 12. 739-751.
Yee, N., Bailenson, J., and Ducheneaut, N. 2009. The Proteus Effect: Implications of transformed digital self-representation on online and offline behavior. Communication Research. 36(2). 285-312.
Yee, N., Ellis, J., and Ducheneaut, N. 2008. The tyranny of embodiment. Artifact. 11(2). 88-93.
Zhao, J.; Wallgrün, J. O.; LaFemina, P.; Oprean, D.; and Klippel, A. 2017. iVR for Geosciences. In Second Workshop on K-12 Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality (KELVAR). IEEE Digital Library.
Zyda, M. 2016.Why the VR you see now is not the real VR. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 25(2) 166-168.