Moving here

For the past few days, my main preoccupation besides getting started doing research is on how to deal with my jet lag.

Before coming here, I was on a trip organized by my college to somewhere that had a time difference of about ten hours. I have heard that to recover from jet lag, one needs one day per hour of time difference. Because of this, maintaining focus during the first few days have been difficult for me, especially during the afternoons.

There have been a few things that are helping me get through the first few days. First, a lot of our activities have been about getting to know each other and the projects that we will work on, so we haven’t started working on our projects yet. Second, our housing has been pretty comfortable so far, since I have a little bit of privacy beneath my bunk bed and I have a lot of space in our apartment-style rooms.

I hope that in the next few days, I can recover as we start to dive into our projects. I am excited to try to scan our fingers and fool phone fingerprint scanners!

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