
Today is the end of the first week! After several days of jet lag and waking up at 4am, I finally got a full day of sleep. I hope I’ll have energy for the entire day (I’m a little bit worrying about the post-lunch crash I had yesterday after I ordered a large sandwich at the deli, since I forgot how big American food portions were after not eating at an American restaurant for a while).

This morning, we did some more orientation things. First, we looked at what other people at VRAC were working on. I was impressed the most at the mixed-reality welder training. I loved how I could feel all the knobs, buttons, and frames that I saw through the VR headset in the real world. I like to press buttons, but being able to interact with real-world buttons in virtual reality felt satisfying and fulfilling. I wonder if this technology will be used in the

We then moved on to a lecture by librarian Eric Schares. He told us that hand-typing citations was discouraged when working on academic papers. In the past, I hand-typed citations on all my papers (even on my AP Research paper in high school, which I worked for a year and had almost 50 citations!). I saw a demo on how convenient a citation manager would be for changing styles. I will be learning how to use a citation manager this summer.

Finally, I did a Myers-Briggs test and found out that I was INTJ. Since this might change the next time I take the test, I won’t comment much on this.

One Reply to “Friday”

  1. I’m glad you’re doing better with getting enough rest. I should mention that I learned and memorized the syntax for citations since I also had to hand-type my sources in high school. But then my college introduced me to Zotero, making my research paper much more manageable. I did forget how to write my citations by hand though, but that’s okay since we have citation managers now.

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