Reu Playlist

Okay so, I’m a big fan of mixtapes and custom playlists. now, I’ve been told my taste in music is terrible but honestly I don’t care. I like it and since I’m the one listening, that’s what matters right? But I was reading through the blogs yesterday and I saw that Amy added the song she was listening to and I was like, “that’s cool. I’m stealing it.” so this is a playlist of the songs I have been listening to on repeat while I’m here. I will warn you, there’s no real theme or genre to these, so as a playlist it’s kind of terrible, but I have a specific reason for all the music I’m listening to. Without further ado, I present: Kristi’s Reu Playlist.

This song is all emotion. I like to imagine its the story of my life. If that’s the case, I’m about a minute thirty in. That’s where things are a bit repetitive but they’re growing to something bigger. You can tell now that the music is building and you’re starting to get excited for what’s next. I love this song.

I like to listen to this on the way to VRAC. It sounds to me like the kind of song that gets played during the title-sequence of an early 2000s movie while they’re showing b-roll of a protagonist walking around the city.

I could see this song also being a title-sequence song. Mostly though, it just makes me want to be happy and dance around. When I hear this song I can’t help but smile. I listen to is when I feel like the world is going a bit too fast for me.

I’ll be honest, this one is just for the vibes.

I just like this song. It is an example of the the whole being greater than the sum of its parts

Someone once described this song as, “the soundtrack of the universe” and I really like that description. To me, it embodies the feeling I imagine God felt when he created the world. It makes me feel triumphant, which interestingly related to the name of the band who wrote it. Sigur Ros is icelandic for Triumph Rose or something similar (I don’t speak Icelandic). The song means Jumping in Puddles and it’s about fighting tough things and getting back up when things are hard. my favorite lyric is, “Og ég fæ blóðnasir // En ég stend alltaf upp” which I believe means, “And I get a nosebleed, but I always stand back up”

Honestly, I mostly like this for the trumpet line in the opening of the song. It also reminds me of my childhood because it was one of like 8 songs on my childhood iPod.

This one is for when I feel like I can’t give anything more. It was my top song of 2016, but randomly it came back into my daily plays even though I hadn’t heard it in years.

Huge tone shift here. This ones a little on the nose and a tad cringe but, well, so am I. I like listening to this song loudly, and if you’re not a loud music person, I would suggest skipping it. (Grandma, I’m talking about you. You won’t like it.)

This is my calm down song. I listen to it when I need to be away from the world for a minute. It’s not for everyone either, but I love it.

Anyway, that’s really it. I’m a creature of habit and once I latch onto a song I keep it, so these are the songs I’ve been stuck to recently.

3 Replies to “Reu Playlist”

  1. These are great! I always start classes in my first-year engineering class with some upbeat song playing while students gather in the 5 min before class. My criteria are:
    – Song can’t be about love or relationships (throw out 90% of songs)
    – Should be upbeat
    – Can’t be religious or explicit or otherwise offensive
    – I try to have a 50/50 mix of women and men singing.

  2. If you have not watched Guardians of the Galaxy, I suspect you’ll like the soundtrack from that movie. Love the eclectic mix of your music taste, and thank you for sharing!

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