Week-end and week 2 highlights

Manchester City win the champions league

Hoping on 2 wheels

the bike owners gang minus Curtis

Finally, I got the promised bike and was able to zoom wherever I wanted. I hadn’t really biked since high school, but it didn’t feel different from walking or running. Knowing how to bike is truly a skill for life! I may look angry in the picture, but I was actually in a really good mood.

A new programming language

Learning C++ was incredibly fun during the classes I attended with everyone. At home, I continued to work on challenges and explored other things that I was eager to start, like Unreal Engine. Recently, I began working on a project using this software, and if I make any progress, I might share some updates in the following weeks. I must admit that I tend to be a bit slow when it comes to these projects since I engage in a different one every day. For instance, this whole week, I focused on modeling a character in Blender and also worked on my own Unity game project. There are actually several other projects that I have going (I am not proud of that), but listing them all would make the list too long.

A big gym

The state gym is indeed quite spacious, easily five times the size of my usual gym. It’s filled with numerous machines and ample space that I’m not accustomed to. I’ve visited a few times during the week and thoroughly enjoyed each visit. I plan to continue going in the upcoming weeks. However, being a large gym comes with its inconveniences. When I leave work and rush to the gym, the main hall is always crowded, which makes me uncomfortable. As a result, I opt to go upstairs for an upper body workout. Unfortunately, this means I’ve been skipping my lower body workout for two weeks in a row now. Simply biking isn’t sufficient. Nevertheless, I’m determined to find a solution. Perhaps I could try waking up early, although it’s unlikely since I tend to go to bed late. Despite these challenges, I’m still enjoying my gym experience.

The sin of gluttony

I’ve been enjoying a lot of good food since I arrived here. However, while it might taste good, it’s definitely not good for my gym gains. I know that, but I just can’t stop myself. Afterwards, I feel really bad about it. I feel like I’ve lost so much self-control in this aspect since coming here. I need to do something about it quickly! But no worries, the same goes for the gym issue. If I set my mind to it, there are no issues that I can’t solve. That’s one of my mottos.

#at the pizza place with the boys

I am your father!

Still one of the best franchises even today, Star Wars was a lot of fun to watch. (Although I still don’t understand why Luke Skywalker was kissing his sister.) As I mentioned before, I played a game that covered the entire story before the modern Star Wars movies, and I also watched a bunch of them. However, I was very young at the time, and if my memory serves me right, there was no real dialogue in the game. It’s interesting to think about it now, as it was a great example of non-verbal narrative, and the game still managed to do exceptionally well without dialogue. Now, nostalgia is hitting me, and I’m considering getting it on Steam. I’m pretty sure that some photos from that gaming session can be found on another intern’s blog, so I’ll spare you from seeing one.

It might look funny, but it was actually a pretty fun game (for a 7 years old)

Hellish Yoga session

I have to confess that I used to look down on yoga, but now that I’ve experienced how challenging it actually is, my perspective has changed. (I won’t be doing more, though, as weightlifting is enough for my workout routine.) It’s physically more demanding than I initially thought, and some positions are truly difficult and even painful to perform. Overall, it has been a really enjoyable experience, and I have definitely appreciated it.

me trying to follow the instructions

Farmer’s market

Back in middle school, I used to live in a rural city, or perhaps one could even call it a village. We had something similar there, albeit on a smaller scale. It was always a fun experience visiting such places. During my recent visit, Curtis served as an excellent guide. It was clear that he had grown up there because he knew everything and everyone. It’s amazing how some people actually get paid to be guides, just like Curtis. However, I made a mental note to myself to leave my wallet at home next time because the food was too tempting. I face the same temptation here as well.

Curtis being a social pro

One Reply to “Week-end and week 2 highlights”

  1. Great journaling! Re working out, Beyer Hall (right between Howe and State Gym) has basketball courts where you might find pickup games or organize something.

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