Blog #5: It’s the morning

Good morning!

I very rarely describe mornings as good, but I’m trying my best to be optimistic.

I’ve done quite a few fun things since Friday!

First: Ledges!

We visited Ledges state park Saturday morning at 9am (oof). It hurts me physically to wake up before 10am on a weekend, but I’m honestly glad that I did. The weather was gorgeous and I had a great time hiking. My family visited a lot of state and national parks when I was young, so I always have an appreciation for a fun little adventure.

Next: Barnes and Noble!

I took the afternoon to visit Barnes and Noble in Des Moines. I love reading and I’ve been needing a new book. I haven’t read 1984 since I was in middle school, so I wanted to reread it. I also picked up Emily Henry’s new book–she’s my favorite romance author. I’m already done with 1984 because I have no ability to do things in moderation.

Next again: Sunday insanity!

Sunday, I chose to go on a way longer run than I ever normally go on. I was tired afterward, but rallied myself to go to the store. While I was at the store, my boyfriend texted me and asked if I wanted to disc golf with him at Gateway Hills Park. As an enjoyer of Frisbee-related sports, I of course had to say yes to this. I had a very good time, but by the end of the day I was absolutely wiped out.

my favorite office quote

Finally: Monday.

Yesterday, it was back to work in the VRAC! I spent the whole day looking forward to my nap (a common theme of this blog, I know). Upon the conclusion of my day, however, I decided to spend my evening a little differently. How might a 21-year-old in a college town spend an evening? Any guesses?

Whatever you said, you’re wrong. I took an LSAT for fun. I’ve always loved taking tests, and every once in a while, I will take a random standardized test just to see how I do. In case you think I’m lying, here’s a text I received from my mom when I was dreading going to the escape room:

I can’t explain it.

Anyway, here’s your song:

i might have a billy joel addiction

I’m keeping with the dystopian theme I started with 1984.

Hope your day is good! See ya!

2 Replies to “Blog #5: It’s the morning”

  1. With your fondness for testing, you might enjoy the book _The Big Test: The Secret History of the American Meritocracy_ by Lemann. It’s at Parks library right on campus. If I tell you it’s about the history of testing, you might think that’s boring, but it’s actually fascinating, because testing began at the early 20th century when cultures of militarism, eugenics, and concerns about immigrants all came together and the US Gov created ETS.

    If you like that, you might also check out Michael Lewis’s _The undoing project : a friendship that changed our minds_. You might know Michael Lewis’s other books…he’s great at turning complex science/math/money topics into exciting reads. It’s also at Parks.

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