Blog #7: Libraries and the Wienermobile

I have lots to do today, so I’m starting early.

On Saturday morning, we were supposed to go to the farmer’s market in Ames, but there was a pretty intense thunderstorm, so that didn’t work out so well. We ended up going to the library instead, where I picked up and read some of The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. I’ve been wanting to read this for a while, and I will probably end up procuring a copy for myself so I can finish it.

I love libraries. I read way too often as a kid, so they were always like heaven to me. My dad would take me to the library at least once a week, and when I got older my brother and I would walk the mile to the library ourselves. I would pick up approximately 10 books and they would all be finished before I went back the next week. As I got into high school, I had less and less time to read books for fun, so I didn’t go to the library as much. Every time I’ve stopped in in the last few years, the librarians have gotten so excited and said things like, “You still read!!” Yes, yes I do.

***SIDE NOTE: You might say that it’s not possible for a kid to read to much. This is not true. My parents took my books away from me on more than one occasion. They would tell me to go outside and I would take my book outside. My mom would say, “NO, I meant ride your bike.” I would then attempt to read while riding my bike (this did not go well). I read too much.

me, age 8

After that, I drove all of the way home so I could do some post-kidney stone incident testing. I was so happy to be able to see my family. Update from the last post: I did have to give my dog a bath, but now he’s all fluffy and clean :).

As I returned to Ames on 35, I saw the Weinermobile (apparently it has been renamed the Beef Frank Mobile). This was the highlight of my day.

photo evidence

I got back to Ames around 2pm yesterday and came to work. I was immediately hit with how much I have to do. We’ve started our Deeper Dives and are thinking about our MCAs, which feels like a huge project compared to how much time there is allotted. I’m in the 3D printing group and thinking of doing something related to music, but the details are still fuzzy. I’m going to look into a few things today and see if I can get a clearer picture.

Things are starting to get somewhere in our research, so I’m excited for our meeting with Dr. Li on Thursday. I’m hoping we can get a clearer picture of what the next steps are and if we’ve been on the right track.

That’s all for now!

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