3rd week-end and random overall though

I’m beginning to lag on these blog posts, but it’s not for lack of trying. Weirdly, I often find myself staring at a blank screen for a few minutes, unable to write anything. It’s becoming a bit concerning. But hey, let’s switch gears and dive back into the stories.

On the third weekend, we went for a hike. I know it might sound contradictory, but as much as dislike going out, I really love to move. So I genuinely enjoyed this activity, even if the descent was a tad nerve-wracking. There’s just no way to relax when going downhill; all my focus was on my legs and the ground beneath me. But hey, I didn’t slip or fall, so I consider that a big win.

During our exploration, we stumbled upon a lot of cool stuff. Among them was a body of water – a lake? Or possibly a large river? It awakened the dormant fisherman within me. I found myself wishing I had a fishing rod and my other tools handy, just to sit and fish for a while.

Later, the girls started doing cartwheels on the ground. A wave of nostalgia washed over me, and I felt a sudden urge to do a backflip, something I used to do pretty well as a kid. But I’ve been out of practice for a while, and I’m now too scared I might break my neck. Plus, I’ll be honest – I’m not even sure how I managed those flips in the first place.

Afterwards, we retreated back to Freddy’s where I had a pretty laid-back weekend. It consisted of some reading, a bit of gaming, a dash of drawing, and even some character modeling. All in all, it was a lot of fun.

Let’s switch it up and talk about some general stuff and how I feel about it. As I’ve mentioned before, I enjoyed learning Solidworks, but I don’t think it’s quite my thing. It was so frustrating that the first thing I did when I got home was to open Blender and recreate the same models much quicker and more easily. However, I can see the advantage of Solidworks; my Blender model might easily collapse if 3D printed, while a Solidworks model would likely be sturdier (correct me if I’m wrong).

Blender has been fun. While I’m more into making characters, it’s also enjoyable to craft random props. My scene ended up rather bare, but it’s no big deal. This whole experience has motivated me to continue a Blender project that I’d abandoned for a while. If I manage to finish it, I might even share it (although I usually don’t because it’s a bit embarrassing, so don’t hold your breath).

Academic readings are starting to become a bit overwhelming, but not in the sense that there’s too much to read. I enjoy reading in general – I spend most of my time engrossed in eBooks. However, academic reading is a different beast; it’s challenging to maintain focus, and I find my concentration slipping more easily than it did a few weeks ago. I’m more of a hands-on, build/make type of person, and hands-on projects have always been my strong suit over reading. It’s just the way I learn, and I’ve always known that. But I’ll continue to give it my best. Any tips?

One of the tasks for VRcomm the week was to create questions for interviews. I enjoyed doing this, though I wasn’t quite sure how much freedom I had. Consequently, I ended up crafting questions very similar to those in the template we received. I might want to be more careful next time.

Life at home is pretty much the same. I spend most of my time in my bedroom, maintaining a balance between being social and having my alone time – maybe a 50/50 split, if not more skewed towards solitude. The others don’t seem to mind, so it’s all good. I’ve been staying up later than usual this week, working on my projects. Andric doesn’t seem bothered, but since he’s not much of a talker, I will tell him to let me know without hesitation if my late nights disturb him. If necessary, I can always relocate to the living room when it gets late – no big deal.

That about wraps it up for this blog post. Just a few random thoughts about the week, which popped into my mind as I was writing. Since I’m lacking inspiration for my second blog, I may try this format more often. Until next time!

By the way, I’ve noticed that I’ve been recommending games in almost every blog post, so why stop now? Today’s pick is Celeste – a fun 2D game about a girl who’s determined to climb a legendary mountain. It has cool mechanics and engaging gameplay. Give it a whirl!

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