Blog #8: AHH!

That’s me, realizing how much have to do.

It’s actually pretty manageable, it’s just the most I’ve had to do so far in the program, so I’ve been kicking it into gear. I’ve started work on my MCA–I’m looking at how different infill settings affect resonance in musical instruments.

I started by printing an ocarina, but the sound quality was not good. I had printed it at 20% infill, which seems to have made the material too flexible (or something), so some of the notes won’t speak how I want them to. To test this theory, I modeled a mini jam block (like a wood block but plastic) and printed it at 20% infill and 100% infill. The one with 100% infill sounds way better, so we’re going to print out another ocarina with 99% infill and see if that sounds better.

an ocarina

We discovered that printing with 99% infill rather than 100% infill takes a significantly shorter time—like four hours!–so that’s why we chose that. Hopefully it turns out well!

Between that and the other research, I have a lot to get done today before the long weekend. I’ll be spending it in northern Illinois and Iowa with my boyfriend’s family. Tomorrow morning there is a 5k at 8am, so that will be interesting. I’m anticipating a good time, though.

Since I have a short blog today, I’ll insert one of my all-time favorite songs and make sure not to forget like last week. Oops.

a fantastic song.

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