The Acquired Inability to Escape

in 1991, Damien Hirst created the artwork, “The Acquired Inability to Escape” which was an artwork consisting of a glass office cubicle that had an ash tray and cigarettes on top of a desk with a swivel chair next to it. As an art piece, its not much to look at and honestly, it’s pretty depressing, but I love the name. The Acquired Inability to Escape. Sometimes that’s how I feel about different things in my life, that I, by my own choices, have acquired the inability to escape them. But what if we had changed the art and kept the name? What if, instead of an office, it was a house, and what if, instead of cigarettes, it was a family? Would we still see tragedy? Or, would we think, “yes, this is a good thing to be inescapably linked to”? I like to believe that if Damien Hirst had continued his series, he would have eventually gotten around to homes and families, and I like to believe that it would have juxtaposed the bleakness of his office related work with bright living rooms, vibrantly colored kitchens, and cozy dining rooms. Although, based upon his other work, that’s probably not true. All this to say, I think I have quite recently acquired a new inability to escape.

The Acquired Inability to Escape 1991 Damien Hirst

I think, that after this internship I will be trapped in research. I took this internship specifically to find out if it was something I truly wanted to do for a living (because guys, it soooo much school and wouldn’t it just be the worst to go through all that school only to find out that I hate research?) so I’m glad that I’m having as much fun as I am and I’m glad that I seem to love this kind of work. Now of course, this is only a taste, so grain of salt, but I love learning, and research seems like a way to spend my whole life learning. How could I say no to that? So yeah I think I love research and I think I might be hooked. I love feeling as if I am helping to discover something unknown. I love to think that instead of just consuming from the wealth of knowledge in the world, I could one day contribute to it. I don’t have much more to say, honestly, just wanted to put this out there. I love my job and I’m going to be sad when it’s over. But I’m pretty sure this experience has given me a better idea of the trajectory of my career, so I’m also really grateful too. That’s all. See y’all later!

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