Week 4 extra curriculars and random stuff

On Tuesday, we had a fun-filled day playing with a frisbee at Emma McCarthy Lee Park. The adventure began with a bike ride to the park with the other boys. Amy lent us her frisbee, a very fancy one, if I do say so myself. Honestly, I’d be reluctant to let others play with it given its quality. Although I’m no frisbee connoisseur, I do know quality when I see it. I was quite nervous about accidentally flinging it into the woods or damaging it somehow.

Thursday was movie night, and we watched an animated film called ‘Coco.’ I love animations of all kinds, and this one had been on my to-watch list for a while. Despite predicting the plot early on, the end moved me almost to tears. It’s truly a heartwarming family movie.

We planned to visit the Ames farmer’s market on Saturday but Mother Nature had other plans. Heavy rain led us to the local library instead. The library was cozy and even offered free coffee and tea. Libraries feel like a second home to me, it reminds of my after-school waits for my mom, and the holidays in the U.S. at my aunt’s house. They both you leave me there for a while. This time, though, instead of reading, I drew. I tend to jump between drawing, so that day, I started a new one and also finished a drawing I had been working on for some time. I have mixed feelings about the result, especially given the time spent on it. But overall, I’m satisfied. If you’re curious, drop a comment or a reaction to this post and I might share it in a future update (I feel like an influencer). Just keep your expectations in check!

A Nice book of my favorite author Guillaume Musso

I almost forgot to mention the photoshoot we had – what a blast! I need to master the art of looking normal in photos. Currently, I either appear too depressed or completely out of place – my family often teases me about it. In addition to the photoshoot, I also tried riding Paul’s Onewheel. No success this time, but I’m determined to get the hang of it someday. I understand the theory, It’s all about technical skills now.

Life at home has been rather mundane. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to the gym this week, which I’m a bit bummed about. I’m determined to get back into routine next week though. (Spoiler alert: Future me confirms that I did!)

Lastly, I’ve been diving into a game called ‘Rain World.’ Its ecosystem simulation is fascinating. The developer created an entire world with complex interactions between species, including off-screen events. The playable character, Slugcat, is perfectly integrated into this environment. Even the weather and the surroundings are part of the interactions. The depth and detail in this game astound me and don’t be fooled it’s also the challenging. Kudos to the creators for such an inspiring piece of work.

That’s about it for now! Ugh I feel awkward writing this way I only do it when I right stories for my friends online. Let me know your thoughts, and keep an eye out for my drawing if I gather the courage to share it. Thanks for reading!

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