Blog #14: Nearing the end

We’re almost done! AHH!

On Friday we got our project to work 30 minutes before our poster was do. It was a very exciting moment. I was so happy to have an actual positive outcome of the project. I was pretty confident that it was possible, but not so confident that we would be able to produce those results in the time allotted to us.

We finished up our poster after that, and I’m happy with the way it looks. The posters I’ve seen in the VRAC have a lot of crazy designs, but I really wanted to keep ours somewhat neutral and let the research speak for itself. It still looks good–it’s just not over the top (perfect)!

Now we’re working on the paper. At this point, we’re just kind of editing what we’ve been writing over the past several weeks since we were pretty proactive. I think it’s turning out to be a decent paper, although it’s certainly not ready for publishing. I’ll be excited to see the end product.

The symposium is on Thursday and I’m pretty excited both to do it and to get it over with. I like presenting, but I don’t like the idea of having something somewhat stressful looming in the distance.

I’ve had to start thinking about what food I eat very specifically in order to make sure that I get rid of as much as possible before I go home in 4 days (!!!). This program has gone so quickly.

yet another billy joel song (sorry not sorry)

One Reply to “Blog #14: Nearing the end”

  1. I noticed you guys were having some issues when printing your models. In my head, I was hopeful that the desired results would eventually come just in time before the posters were due, and I think your team’s poster turned out amazing! Also, I really enjoyed listening to the songs you’ve attached in your blogs. My favorite so far is “The Downeaster ‘Alexa'” by Billy Joel. And with the symposium having come and gone, I should mention that I appreciated listening to you play the piano. It was a highlight of the day for me and made me feel better about later going out to present to people.

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