Reflection 3

Hey there! Let me tell you about my day so far. It’s been quite a ride, filled with coding adventures, animal sightings, cool evening vibes, research excitement, and valuable life lessons.

First things first, I dove into the world of C++ today. Yup, it was my first crack at coding in this language, and let me tell you why it’s a big deal to me. I’ve always been super stoked about the video gaming aspect of computer science. So, learning C++ opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for me to dive into game development. It’s like leveling up my skills and getting closer to my gaming dreams.

Now, let’s talk about the amazing walks I’ve been having around campus. Morning or afternoon, it doesn’t matter. I’ve been strolling around, taking in the sights, and guess what? I’ve been spotting some awesome animals along the way! Horses majestically trotting around, and oh my gosh, I even stumbled upon a bunch of adorable baby rabbits near the Freddy apartments. Cutest thing ever!

Speaking of evenings, let me tell you, Iowa nights can get pretty cool. But you know what? It makes going out at night even more awesome! The refreshing breeze, the peaceful ambiance—it’s the perfect time to explore and unwind after a long day.

Now, onto the research front. I’ve been diving headfirst into some serious work. Got a bunch of articles to read, and one in particular caught my eye—discourse communities. Now, let me geek out for a sec. Discourse communities are super interesting because they shed light on how different groups connect and communicate. That knowledge could come in handy for our virtual reality communities research.

Living in an apartment has taught me some valuable life lessons too. Like, hey, be extra careful with appliances because once you break ’em, you gotta fix ’em. These lessons might seem small, but they’re the building blocks for adulting. They’re gonna prepare me for when I spread my wings and live on my own someday.

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