Reflection 6

Hey, everyone! This week has been pretty awesome, filled with all sorts of new things I got to try out. One of the highlights was diving headfirst into the world of Blender. Honestly, I was a bit nervous at first because it seemed pretty complicated. But once I started messing around with it, I realized how cool and creative it can be.

For our project we had to create our own virtual world as a little project and let me tell you, it was mind-blowing. I spent time sculpting and designing stuff, crafting landscapes, and basically bringing my ideas to life. Seeing my creations come to life was like pure magic. Blender totally opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. It was like being the director of my own mini-movie, and I couldn’t get enough.

On the topic of cool experiences, this week I also dived deeper into the whole idea of using virtual reality for learning a second language. In my research group that’s all about the VR community, we’ve been reading up on some interesting stuff. One thing we looked into was the feeling of being totally immersed in a virtual environment, which they call “sense of presence.” It’s like being completely sucked into a computer-generated world, where everything feels way more exciting than the real world.

We also explored this thing called interactive virtual reality (iVR), which lets you create learning situations where you can easily change up the surroundings. It’s like having a customizable platform for learning languages, which is pretty awesome. From what we learned, using iVR helps our brains make connections between what we see, hear, and experience in a way that makes learning super engaging and interactive.

Oh, and get this: we found out that mixing real-world stuff with the virtual world (they call it mixed reality or MR) actually helps us learn languages even better than traditional classrooms. It’s like a total game-changer. Imagine having interactive conversations, exploring different cultures, and practicing language skills in a virtual world that feels so real. It goes way beyond anything we can do in a regular class.

Now, moving on to some other stuff that happened this week. I decided to go on a mini adventure and explore more of my campus. On my quest for some mouthwatering Thai fried rice, I stumbled upon a hidden gem—a boba shop with loads of tasty Asian snacks. Plus, I found out there’s a Subway and an Insomnia nearby, and you bet I’m gonna check them out soon. It’s been super cool to get more familiar with the campus, even though I still get lost sometimes. But hey, I’m slowly but surely getting the hang of it.

And to cap off this eventful week, I treated myself to a hiking trip at Ledges State Park over the weekend. Let me tell you, it was one heck of an adventure. The hills were crazy steep, and I could feel my muscles working with every step. But that’s what made it so exhilarating. It was like going on a mini-expedition, and I totally embraced the thrill.

The park had this peaceful little lake that was just perfect for chilling and taking in the breathtaking surroundings. And guess what? There were butterflies fluttering around everywhere, especially these cool red admirals. They caught my eye, and I couldn’t resist doing some research on them. Turns out, people interpret them in different ways. Some see them as a negative symbol connected to anger or even something spooky, while others think they’re messages from loved ones who passed away.

The whole idea that a butterfly could be a wake-up call or a hidden message fascinated me. It reminded me to pay attention to the signs and messages that life presents us with. Whether positive or negative, these encounters can often serve as reminders to reflect and make necessary changes.

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